Elderly Care for Couples

Elderly Care for Couples

By Helena | 14th June 2021

Elderly Care for Couples

When a couple has lived together for many years, the thought of living apart can be a distressing prospect. If one person needs specialised care, you may assume that a nursing home is the only option. In the short term, the person who is healthier or younger in the couple often takes on the role of caregiver for the other. As both grow older and more complications arise, more help may be needed. Eventually, it might seem like a care home or nursing home is the only option. Thankfully, this isn’t always the case. There are care home alternatives that can give elderly couples the support they need while also allowing them to continue living together as a couple in their own home. Today’s blog will be a simple guide to elderly care for couples at home.

Live-in care

Since older couples usually want to stay together and the majority would like to remain in their own home, live-in care is often the most suitable way to support them.

We can provide a live-in carer to provide additional support in the home environment. This takes the pressure off the couple and allows both parties to live in comfort. In addition to helping with personal care needs throughout the day and night, a live-in carer can also support the couple by helping with domestic tasks such as cleaning, cooking and shopping.

Live-in homecare is available for people with a range of medical conditions and disabilities, including (but not limited to):

If you are looking to arrange live-in care for a particular condition, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or by telephone.

Advantages of 24-hour Care

There is a peace of mind that comes with having a live-in carer. You’ll have 24/7 access to support from a trained professional, putting you and your whole family at ease. When you arrange live-in care with Abing Homecare, we can tailor your care plan to fit your specific needs as individuals and as a couple.

The couple receiving care will be able to relax knowing that a carer is on-hand at all times. This gives you more time for the things that matter: spending time with each other, seeing friends and family, and making precious memories.

Plus, when your usual carer needs some time off, we’ll be able to arrange a respite carer to ensure that there is never a gap in your care.

Visiting Care

Alternatively, if live-in care isn’t right for you, we also offer domiciliary care. This is when a professional carer makes regular home visits to provide elderly care for couples or individuals. This option is generally suitable for those who have less complex care needs or only need support at certain times of the day.

Arranging Elderly Care for Couples

When you contact us, we’ll arrange a free Needs Assessment to help you identify exactly what support you would like. From there, we’ll work closely with the couple, their loved ones, and any relevant medical professionals to design a care plan that works around your existing lifestyle and routine.

The first step is to call us on 0800 008 7000 or get in touch online to arrange a free Needs Assessment.